Carrying on with the Family Business….
Isn’t that boy still in school? How is he going to handle schoolwork and being a superhero?
One presumes that this is something he does on weekends and summer vacations after homework is done. In some regards it’s not that different from attending classes while holding down a job. ^_^
Or holding a day job while being a superhero. I’m sure there is some juggling involved, and personal freetime is at a premium for the boy right now.
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Isn’t that boy still in school? How is he going to handle schoolwork and being a superhero?
One presumes that this is something he does on weekends and summer vacations after homework is done. In some regards it’s not that different from attending classes while holding down a job. ^_^
Or holding a day job while being a superhero. I’m sure there is some juggling involved, and personal freetime is at a premium for the boy right now.